JYM Supplement Science

About JYM Supplement Science


JYM Supplement Science is a revolutionary supplement company founded by me, Dr. Jim Stoppani. What makes JYM so unique and revolutionary is the science and quality that go into each and every single supplement, as well as the fact that I stand behind every single product that I formulate and am there to personally answer any questions that you may have.

Take a look at some of the supplements you have in your kitchen. Do you know who formulated that product? Do you know what their background is? Do they have any real expertise in the area of sports nutrition? Do they have your best interest in mind when they formulated that product? And if you did have a question about the product do you know who is there to answer you?

About Jim Stoppani, PhD

 Jim Stoppani received his doctorate in exercise physiology with a minor in biochemistry from the University of Connecticut. Following graduation, he served as a postdoctoral research fellow in the prestigious John B. Pierce Laboratory and Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology at Yale University School of Medicine, where he investigated the effects of exercise and diet on gene regulation in muscle tissue.

He was awarded the Gatorade Beginning Investigator in Exercise Science Award in 2002 by the American Physiological Society for his groundbreaking research. Currently Jim runs his own fitness website www.jimstoppani.com

Mission Statement

 I want to take this time to make a few points to those who are members of my site, and/or follow me on a regular basis on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or Instagram, and for those who are just generally listening. First, I want to thank you. Thank you for your trust. Thank you or your loyalty. Thank you for your willingness to allow me to be the front man in the fitness and supplement industry who will challenge those that would otherwise take advantage of your trust and your wallet.

JYM Product Range


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